Gotham Knights (TV Series 2023)

Gotham Knights (2023) is a superhero television series based on the DC Comics characters and developed by Chad Fiveash, James Stoteraux, and Natalie Abrams. The show is set in the aftermath of Batman’s death and explores the chaotic state of Gotham City following his passing.
The series focuses on Bruce Wayne’s adopted son, Turner Hayes, who becomes a central figure in the fight against crime. Turner, along with a group of young vigilantes, including the children of some of Gotham’s most notorious villains, must navigate a city plagued by corruption and danger.
They form an unlikely team, working together to solve Batman’s murder and protect Gotham from rising threats.

Gotham Knights stars Oscar Morgan as Turner Hayes, with supporting roles played by Olivia Rose Keegan, Navia Robinson, and others. The show blends action, drama, and detective elements, offering a fresh take on the Batman universe with a focus on the next generation of heroes.
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