Alien: Romulus (2025)

Alien: Romulus (2025) is an upcoming installment in the iconic Alien franchise, directed by Fede Álvarez. Set in the terrifying universe established by Ridley Scott, this film takes the saga in a new direction while maintaining the chilling essence that has captivated audiences for decades.
The story is set on a remote colony planet, Romulus, where a group of colonists find themselves facing a deadly threat after a mysterious alien ship crashes nearby. As they investigate the wreckage, they unknowingly awaken a dormant terror that puts their lives and the future of the colony at risk. The film promises to delve into themes of survival, fear, and the human instinct to fight back against overwhelming odds.
With Álvarez’s expertise in creating tension and horror, Alien: Romulus is expected to deliver intense action, psychological thrills, and the franchise’s trademark suspense.
Featuring a fresh cast alongside nods to the beloved characters and lore of the series, this installment aims to introduce a new generation to the terrifying world of the Alien universe while appealing to long-time fans.

As the tension escalates and the stakes rise, viewers can anticipate a gripping experience that expands the mythology of this legendary franchise.