Eliminators (1986)

Eliminators (1986) is a sci-fi action-adventure film that blends elements of futuristic technology and ancient adventure.
The story follows John Mandroid, a former pilot turned into a cyborg after a near-fatal crash, who is sent on a mission by his creator, Dr. Reeves, a mad scientist planning to use Mandroid as part of his scheme for world domination. However, when Mandroid realizes Reeves’ sinister intentions, he rebels and escapes, seeking revenge on his creator.
Joined by a diverse teamโ€”including a resourceful mercenary named Harry Fontana, a martial artist named Kuji, and Dr. Nora Hunter, the scientist who helped design his technologyโ€”Mandroid embarks on a journey to take down Dr. Reeves and his robotic army.
Along the way, they face traps, mutant creatures, and high-stakes battles in the jungle, mixing genres of sci-fi, action, and adventure. Eliminators is a classic โ€™80s B-movie with campy effects, non-stop action, and a team of unlikely heroes fighting to stop a dangerous villain.