Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) is the fifth film in the Jurassic Park franchise and the sequel to Jurassic World (2015). The story begins with Isla Nublar’s dinosaurs facing extinction due to an impending volcanic eruption. Former park manager Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), now an activist for dinosaur rights, recruits ex-dinosaur trainer Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) to help rescue the remaining dinosaurs, including Blue, a highly intelligent Velociraptor that Owen raised.
As they return to the island, they discover a dangerous scheme led by businessman Eli Mills, who plans to capture the dinosaurs to sell them on the black market. Among his sinister plans is the creation of a new, deadly hybrid dinosaur called the Indoraptor, designed as a weaponized predator.
After escaping from Isla Nublar, Owen, Claire, and a small group of allies find themselves at an estate where the captured dinosaurs are being held. They must confront Mills and his associates to save the dinosaurs and prevent the Indoraptor from wreaking havoc.
The film ends with a dramatic choice that releases the dinosaurs into the world, setting the stage for a new era where humans and dinosaurs must coexist. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom blends thrilling action with themes of ethics, conservation, and the unpredictable consequences of human interference with nature.