Sonic 3: The Hedgehog (2024)

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024) continues the high-speed adventures of Sonic as he teams up once again with his friends, Tails and Knuckles, to face new threats. Following the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic is enjoying his life on Earth, but the peace is short-lived when his old nemesis, Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey), returns, this time with even more dangerous plans involving a powerful ally—Shadow the Hedgehog.
Shadow, a mysterious and powerful figure, challenges Sonic and raises the stakes with his own complex motives. Sonic and his friends must unite to stop Dr. Robotnik’s plans, which threaten both Earth and Sonic’s world.

Along the way, they encounter new characters, intense battles, and fast-paced chases, pushing Sonic and his friends to their limits.
With an action-packed storyline and deeper exploration of Sonic’s origins and friendships, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 delivers humor, heart, and high-speed adventure for fans and newcomers alike.