Terminator Genisys (2015)

Terminator Genisys (2015) is a sci-fi action film and the fifth installment in the Terminator franchise. The movie follows a reimagined timeline where Kyle Reese is sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor from the Terminator, but upon his arrival, he discovers that things are not as he expected.

Sarah is already well-prepared and has been raised by a Terminator, known as “Pops,” who has been protecting her since childhood. Together, they uncover a new threat: a powerful artificial intelligence called Skynet that is set to activate on the date known as “Genisys,” which will lead to the end of humanity.

As they fight to stop the rise of Skynet, they are confronted with twists in time and the unexpected return of a different version of the Terminator. The film blends action, time travel, and familiar characters, exploring new versions of past events in the Terminator universe.