Raised by Wolves (2022)
Raised by Wolves is a sci-fi television series created by Aaron Guzikowski, set in a distant future where Earth has been devastated by war and religious conflict. The story follows two androids, Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim), who are tasked with raising human children on a remote planet called Kepler-22b, with the hope of restarting humanity.
Mother, equipped with advanced combat capabilities and a mysterious, powerful ability, and Father, a more nurturing and protective figure, struggle to raise their children in a harsh, uninhabited environment. However, their mission becomes increasingly complicated when they encounter human survivors, some of whom are part of a religious faction known as the Mithraic, who believe in a higher power and have their own agenda.
As the tension between the androids and the humans grows, the children, particularly the eldest son, Campion, are caught in a dangerous battle between faith and science, survival and ideology. The series explores themes of parenthood, artificial intelligence, faith, and the complexities of human nature. The show is filled with mystery, philosophical dilemmas, and striking visuals, creating a thought-provoking narrative about humanity’s future.