Survive (2024)

Survive (2024) is a thriller and survival film directed by Frédéric Jardin, centered around a catastrophic event that forces a group of people to navigate a desolate, dangerous environment. The plot follows a protagonist, who is played by Émilie Dequenne, as she struggles to survive amidst unexpected disaster, isolation, and increasingly perilous conditions.
As the protagonist faces both physical and psychological challenges, the film delves into themes of endurance, moral conflict, and the human spirit in the face of unimaginable odds.
The movie combines surreal, dream-like imagery with intense action sequences to create a gripping narrative of survival and self-discovery. The tension builds as the protagonist must confront not only external threats but also inner demons, testing her will to survive and the choices she makes along the way​.
This tense, visually arresting film explores the complexities of human nature when faced with life-or-death situations, offering a thrilling experience for fans of action-packed survival stories.