Knox Goes Away (2023)
Knox Goes Away is a gripping neo-noir crime drama directed by and starring Michael Keaton. The film delves into the morally complex world of John Knox (Michael Keaton), a contract killer who faces a terminal illness diagnosis that leaves him with limited time to live. As his cognitive functions begin to decline, Knox sets out on a high-stakes journey to redeem himself.
When his estranged son (played by James Marsden) becomes entangled in a murder investigation, Knox decides to use his remaining time to clear his son’s name, even if it means navigating a web of deception, danger, and enemies from his own dark past. The narrative blends suspenseful action with heartfelt moments, exploring themes of redemption, mortality, and the complicated bonds of family.
With a taut script, sharp direction, and standout performances, Knox Goes Away offers a hauntingly introspective take on the crime genre. The film’s atmospheric visuals and gripping tension ensure an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Released in 2023, Knox Goes Away has been praised for its emotional depth and Michael Keaton’s commanding performance, cementing it as a standout entry in his storied career.