Captive State (2019)
Captive State (2019) is a sci-fi thriller set in a dystopian future where Earth has been under the control of alien invaders for nearly a decade. The film unfolds in Chicago, a city that has been divided into areas controlled by the extraterrestrial forces, who govern through human collaborators. The story explores the lives of individuals who are either part of the resistance or working with the occupying aliens, as tensions rise between both sides.
The film primarily follows two characters: Gabriel (Ashton Sanders), a young man who becomes involved with a resistance movement fighting against the alien regime, and Rafe (John Goodman), a police officer whose loyalty to the alien powers remains uncertain. As Gabriel becomes more deeply entangled in the fight for human freedom, the film examines themes of collaboration, rebellion, and the moral gray areas in times of occupation.
Directed by Rupert Wyatt, Captive State delves into the socio-political dynamics of living under authoritarian rule, where survival often depends on difficult choices, and the line between heroism and betrayal becomes increasingly blurred. The film’s somber atmosphere and tension-filled narrative reflect its bleak vision of a world under alien domination.