Corpse Bride (2005)
Corpse Bride (2005) is a stop-motion animated fantasy film directed by Tim Burton. Set in a gothic, Victorian-style world, the story follows Victor Van Dort, a young man preparing for an arranged marriage to Victoria Everglot. During a rehearsal for their wedding, Victor nervously stumbles into the woods and accidentally proposes to a corpse bride named Emily, believing her to be a part of his rehearsal.
Emily, who turns out to be a murdered woman from the afterlife, takes Victor to the Land of the Dead, where she believes he has truly married her. Victor tries to explain that he is still alive and in love with Victoria, but Emily is determined to keep him in her world. Meanwhile, in the Land of the Living, Victoria’s parents, the Everglots, are scheming to marry her off to another man to save their wealth.
Victor’s journey in the Land of the Dead unfolds with humor, dark twists, and a message about love and sacrifice.
The film explores themes of love, loyalty, and the conflict between life and death, wrapped in Tim Burton’s signature dark humor and visual style.
It features a voice cast that includes Johnny Depp as Victor, Helena Bonham Carter as Emily, and other notable actors such as Christopher Lee and Tracy Ullman. Corpse Bride is celebrated for its unique animation style, atmosphere, and heartfelt narrative.