The Guardians (2017)
The Guardians (2017), directed by Sarik Andreasyan, is a bold Russian foray into the superhero genre, known for its attempt to establish a distinctive superhero universe in a nation renowned for historical epics rather than comic adaptations.
Combining the spectacle of superhero storytelling with the essence of Russian cultural flair, the film delivers a mix of action and intrigue, led by an ensemble cast including Sebastien Sisak, Anton Pampushnyy, Sanzhar Madiyev, Alina Lanina, Valeriya Shkirando, and Stanislav Shirin.
Set during the Soviet era, the film centers on a covert group of individuals with extraordinary powers who have been hidden away by the government. When a powerful new enemy threatens global security, these heroes are brought out of the shadows to protect their nation and the world.
Known as “The Guardians,” the team’s unique abilities are inspired by Russian mythology and folklore, adding a distinctive twist to their powers. The narrative explores their reluctant alliance, personal conflicts, and the challenges they face as they band together to stop a villain capable of devastating destruction.