Attack (2022)

Attack (2022) is a futuristic action thriller that explores themes of patriotism, sacrifice, and cutting-edge technology. Directed by Lakshya Raj Anand, the film stars John Abraham in the role of Arjun Shergill, an elite soldier who becomes India’s first super-soldier as part of an experimental program to combat terrorism.
The story begins with Arjun, a highly skilled officer, who suffers a personal tragedy during a terrorist attack. Left paralyzed and emotionally shattered, he volunteers for a groundbreaking government project that uses artificial intelligence to enhance human capabilities. Arjun is equipped with a cutting-edge AI chip that transforms him into a super-soldier with advanced combat abilities.
As Arjun adapts to his new identity, he is tasked with stopping a high-stakes terrorist plot that threatens national security. The film combines explosive action sequences, emotional depth, and thought-provoking questions about the ethical implications of merging humanity with technology.
Attack is a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the lengths one man will go to protect his country.