The White Queen (2013)

“The White Queen” (2013) is a historical drama television series based on Philippa Gregory’s novels The White Queen, The Red Queen, and The Kingmaker’s Daughter. The series, which aired on BBC One and Starz, is set during the tumultuous period of the Wars of the Roses in 15th-century England. It stars Rebecca Ferguson as Elizabeth Woodville, Max Irons as King Edward IV, and James Frain as Richard Neville, the Earl of Warwick.
The show focuses on the power struggles, political intrigue, and fierce rivalries that arise as two powerful families—the House of York and the House of Lancaster—vie for the English throne. At the center of the story is Elizabeth Woodville, a commoner who becomes the Queen of England after capturing the heart of King Edward IV. Her marriage to Edward sparks a chain of events that leads to conflict, betrayal, and the shifting of alliances within the English court.
Elizabeth’s journey is marked by her determination to protect her family and secure power in a male-dominated world. The series also explores the lives and ambitions of other prominent women, including Margaret Beaufort (Amanda Hale), who supports the Lancastrian claim, and Anne Neville (Faye Marsay), who is drawn into the political machinations of the time.
The White Queen offers a gripping portrayal of historical events through the perspectives of these powerful women, highlighting themes of love, loyalty, betrayal, and the lengths people will go to in the pursuit of power.

In summary, The White Queen (2013) is a captivating historical drama series that delves into the complex power dynamics, rivalries, and personal ambitions during the Wars of the Roses, all seen through the eyes of three women whose fates are intertwined with the fight for the English crown.