The Winchesters (2022)
The Winchesters is a supernatural television series that serves as a prequel to the popular show Supernatural. Created by Robbie Thompson, the series aired on The CW and explores the backstory of the iconic characters John and Mary Winchester, the parents of Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
The show is set in the 1970s and focuses on John Winchester (Drake Rodger) and Mary Campbell (Jensen Ackles, who also serves as an executive producer), long before they became the parents of the Winchester brothers. The series delves into their lives as they embark on their own supernatural adventures. The plot centers around their efforts to uncover the mystery of what happened to Maryβs family, confront various supernatural threats, and navigate the complex world of hunting monsters.
As John and Mary work together, they encounter other hunters and supernatural entities, providing insight into the early days of the hunting world that fans of Supernatural are familiar with. The series explores themes of family, destiny, and the fight against evil, tying back to the lore established in Supernatural while introducing new characters and storylines.
The Winchesters is noted for its connection to the Supernatural universe, providing additional context and background to the beloved franchise. It combines elements of supernatural drama, action, and mystery, appealing to fans of the original series as well as new viewers interested in its mythological and character-driven narrative.
Overall, The Winchesters offers a deeper exploration of the Winchester familyβs origins and the early days of their supernatural battles, expanding the rich lore of the Supernatural universe.