Wanted (2008)

“Wanted” (2008) is an action-thriller film directed by Timur Bekmambetov, based on the graphic novel of the same name. The film stars James McAvoy as Wesley Gibson, a disaffected office worker who discovers that his estranged father was an elite assassin for a secret society of killers known as the Fraternity.
After his father’s murder, Wesley is recruited into the Fraternity by its enigmatic leader, Sloan (Morgan Freeman). Wesley is trained in the art of assassination and learns to harness his latent abilities, including extraordinary reflexes and marksmanship. As he becomes more involved in the Fraternity, Wesley uncovers deeper layers of conspiracy and betrayal, leading to a dramatic revelation about his own destiny and the true nature of his father’s death.
“Wanted” is known for its high-energy action sequences, stylish visual effects, and its mix of dark humor and intense drama. The film explores themes of transformation, revenge, and the search for purpose, with James McAvoy delivering a compelling performance as an ordinary man thrust into a world of extraordinary violence.