Princess Mononoke 2 (2026)
Princess Mononoke 2 (2026)
Princess Mononoke 2 (2026) is a bold continuation of the beloved Studio Ghibli classic, reimagined as a live-action sequel. Set 20 years after the events of the original, the story follows San (played by Zendaya) as she struggles to protect the forest from a new threat: an industrial empire seeking to exploit the land’s resources. Ashitaka, now a seasoned warrior and leader of his people, returns to aid San in her fight, but their bond is tested as they face moral dilemmas about progress, survival, and the balance between humanity and nature.
The film was produced with a massive budget of $200 million, making it one of the most expensive live-action adaptations of an animated classic. The budget was used to create breathtaking CGI for the forest spirits, massive battle sequences, and the realistic portrayal of Moro’s wolf clan. The film also features an original score inspired by Joe Hisaishi’s iconic music.
Upon release, Princess Mononoke 2 became a global phenomenon, grossing over $800 million worldwide. Its stunning visuals, powerful performances, and timely environmental themes resonated with audiences, cementing its place as a worthy successor to the original masterpiece while achieving immense financial success.