American Ninja (1985)

American Ninja (1985) is an action-packed martial arts film that follows Joe Armstrong (played by Michael Dudikoff), a quiet and enigmatic young man with exceptional combat skills. After being assigned to a U.S. Army base in the Philippines, Joe’s life takes a dramatic turn when he uncovers a sinister arms-smuggling operation led by a corrupt military officer and a deadly ninja clan.
When a convoy is ambushed, Joe uses his expert martial arts abilities to fend off the attackers, drawing suspicion from his fellow soldiers and the attention of the enemy. As the plot unfolds, Joe learns about his mysterious past and his training in ninjutsu, which makes him a formidable opponent against the heavily armed and skilled ninja assassins.
With the help of his friend Corporal Curtis Jackson (played by Steve James), Joe takes on the ninja syndicate in a series of high-octane battles filled with acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, and daring stunts.
The film is a classic tale of bravery, loyalty, and uncovering one’s true potential, delivering a thrilling ride for fans of martial arts and action cinema.