Vlad the Impaler (2018)
Vlad the Impaler (2018) is a historical action film set in the 15th century, focusing on the infamous figure Vlad III, also known as Vlad the Impaler, who ruled Wallachia with brutal methods, including impaling his enemies. The film follows a group of seven elite Ottoman warriors known as the Deliler (The Assassins), sent by the Ottoman Emperor Mehmed II to eliminate Vlad, who is wreaking havoc across the region with his tyrannical reign.
As they venture into enemy territory, the warriors face numerous challenges, including treacherous landscapes and loyal followers of Vlad.
The movie explores themes of honor, duty, and the moral complexities of war, as the Deliler confront not only external dangers but also the dark choices that come with their mission. The film blends intense action with historical drama, depicting a violent clash between two forces at a pivotal moment in history.