The Devil’s Light (2022)

The Devil’s Light (2022) is a supernatural horror film directed by Daniel Stamm. The film centers on a young nun, Sister Ann, who is determined to fight against the forces of evil after witnessing a demonic possession. The story explores the tension between faith, doubt, and the struggle against the unseen forces of darkness.

Plot Overview:
Sister Ann (Jacqueline Byers) is a devout nun who has always wanted to serve as an exorcist. Despite being told that women are not allowed to perform exorcisms, Ann is persistent in her desire to help those possessed by demons. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she is called to assist in the case of a young woman, Olivia, who has been violently possessed. This case leads her to an encounter with a powerful demon, forcing Ann to confront not only her faith but also the terrifying supernatural forces threatening to destroy her.

As she becomes more involved in the case, Ann begins to uncover a disturbing connection between Olivia’s possession and her own troubled past. The demonic presence she faces is no ordinary evil, but one that directly targets her. Ann must confront her deepest fears and doubts to protect Olivia and herself, while also battling the church’s resistance to her involvement in the exorcism process.

The film explores themes of faith, the battle between good and evil, and the fear of the unknown. Ann’s journey becomes not only a fight against a terrifying supernatural entity but also a personal struggle with her beliefs and the role of women in the church. The Devil’s Light blends religious themes with psychological horror, as the characters grapple with possession, doubt, and the consequences of confronting evil forces.

The film relies on tense, atmospheric horror to build suspense, using the claustrophobic setting of a hospital and the chilling nature of exorcism rituals to intensify the terror. Jacqueline Byers delivers a compelling performance as the determined nun, while the supernatural elements are depicted with disturbing imagery and sound design to amplify the sense of dread.
The Devil’s Light combines psychological drama with supernatural horror, making it a gripping and unsettling film for fans of demonic possession stories.