Ender’s Game (2013)

Ender’s Game (2013) is a sci-fi action film based on the novel by Orson Scott Card. The story follows Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, a brilliant young boy recruited by Earth’s military to train as a potential commander in humanity’s fight against an alien species known as the Formics.

Years earlier, the Formics attacked Earth, nearly destroying humanity, and now Earth is preparing for another invasion.

Ender is brought to a space-based Battle School, where he undergoes intense training in strategy, combat, and leadership. Through a series of simulated battles, Ender quickly rises to the top, demonstrating an exceptional ability to lead and think tactically. However, he struggles with the moral and emotional toll of his training and the pressure placed on him.

As Ender progresses, he faces a final test that could determine humanity’s future. The film explores themes of warfare, morality, and the impact of training young people for combat, culminating in a twist that challenges Ender’s perceptions of right and wrong.