Dog Soldiers (2002)

Dog Soldiers (2002) is a British horror-action film directed by Neil Marshall. The story follows a squad of British soldiers on a routine training mission in the Scottish Highlands. What begins as a standard military exercise quickly turns into a nightmare when they encounter a pack of ferocious werewolves.
Trapped in an isolated farmhouse with no means of communication, the soldiers must fight to survive the night as the relentless creatures close in.
Blending intense action with horror elements, Dog Soldiers is known for its practical effects, fast-paced storytelling, and dark humor.
The film explores themes of camaraderie and survival under extreme conditions, as the soldiers rely on each other and their military skills to fend off the supernatural threat.
Dog Soldiers has gained a cult following over the years for its unique mix of horror, action, and humor, as well as its fresh take on the werewolf genre. It stars Kevin McKidd, Sean Pertwee, and Liam Cunningham in key roles, and is praised for its tense atmosphere and relentless pace.