Cobra Kai (TV Series 2018–2025)

Cobra Kai is a popular action-comedy series that serves as a sequel to the Karate Kid films, set 34 years after the events of the original movie. The series follows Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka), the once-popular high school bully who has fallen on hard times. Johnny, struggling with his past and lack of direction, decides to reopen the Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting old rivalries and stirring up the spirits of past conflicts.
Meanwhile, Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio), the protagonist of the original Karate Kid films, is now a successful car dealership owner. Despite his professional success, Daniel feels lost without his mentor, Mr. Miyagi. When Johnny reopens Cobra Kai, their rivalry rekindles, but this time, it takes a more complicated turn as both men must confront their own demons, parenting styles, and the consequences of their past actions.
As the series unfolds, the next generation of teenagers—some under Johnny’s influence and others under Daniel’s guidance—compete in karate tournaments, navigating issues like bullying, family problems, and identity struggles. The show explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the cyclical nature of conflict while blending humor, heartfelt moments, and intense martial arts action.
The series gained widespread acclaim for its engaging characters, nostalgic callbacks to the original Karate Kid, and its exploration of how the characters from both sides of the dojo have evolved over time. With ongoing battles between old foes and new alliances forming, Cobra Kai continues to captivate audiences with its exciting, multi-generational storylines.