It Stains the Sands Red (2016)
It Stains the Sands Red (2016) is a thrilling horror film set in the vast, desolate desert, offering a fresh twist on the zombie genre. The story follows Molly, a strong and resourceful woman, whose life spirals out of control when the zombie apocalypse strikes. After a viral outbreak turns much of humanity into the undead, Molly is left stranded in the Nevada desert, determined to survive.
The film opens with an intense scene in which Molly and her partner attempt to escape a zombie horde, only for tragedy to leave her on her own. Armed with a gun, limited supplies, and her sheer will to live, Molly must navigate the harsh desert while being relentlessly pursued by a single, determined zombie. What seems like a simple target becomes an exhausting, drawn-out chase that forces Molly to confront not only the terror of the undead but also her inner struggles.
As the lone zombie relentlessly follows her, Molly’s survival becomes a test of human endurance and psychological resilience. She faces overwhelming fear, isolation, and the grim reality of a world overrun by the undead, while trying to outsmart a relentless predator.
Directed by Colin Minihan, It Stains the Sands Red stands apart from typical zombie films by focusing on one character’s personal struggle rather than large-scale chaos. The film blends suspense, survival horror, and dark humor, offering a unique and captivating take on the genre. With a standout performance from lead actress Brittany Allen, the movie delivers a tense and unpredictable experience, keeping audiences gripped from start to finish.