KRAVEN (2024)

Kraven is an upcoming superhero film that centers on one of Marvel’s most iconic anti-heroes, Sergei Kravinoff, better known as Kraven the Hunter. Played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kraven is a skilled and ruthless hunter who becomes a formidable adversary to Spider-Man in the Marvel comics.
The movie delves into Kraven’s origins, showcasing his transformation from a young man with a tragic past into a powerful and relentless predator, driven by his desire to prove himself as the world’s greatest hunter.
As Kraven battles personal demons, he embarks on a dangerous quest to take down powerful enemies and dangerous animals, both human and supernatural, that challenge his dominance. The film is expected to blend intense action sequences with a darker, character-driven narrative that explores the moral complexity of Kraven’s motivations and his code of honor.
Kraven is part of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe, focusing on the darker characters from Spider-Man’s rogue gallery, following in the footsteps of Venom and Morbius. Directed by J.C. Chandor, the film promises to deliver thrilling action, complex storytelling, and a raw portrayal of one of Marvel’s most fascinating and brutal characters.