Spider-Man 4: Sinister Six (2025)

Spider-Man 4: Sinister Six (2025)
Starring: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jamie Foxx, Alfred Molina
In Spider-Man 4: Sinister Six, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) faces his most dangerous challenge yet, as a team of deadly villains, known as the Sinister Six, band together to take down the web-slinger once and for all.
The team, made up of foes from Spider-Man’s past, including Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina), Electro (Jamie Foxx), Vulture, Mysterio,
Sandman, and the newly resurrected Green Goblin, plans to unleash chaos on New York City and defeat Spider-Man through sheer force and cunning.
As Peter struggles to balance his life as a student and superhero, he must also confront the emotional toll of his past choices. With epic battles, intense action, and the ultimate test of Spider-Man’s abilities, Sinister Six promises to be an unforgettable chapter in the webbed hero’s saga.