The Vampire Diaries – Season 1, Episode 20: “Blood Brothers”

In this episode, Stefan reveals to Elena the truth about how he and Damon became vampires. Through flashbacks, it is shown that in 1864, both brothers were shot while trying to rescue Katherine.

They died with her blood in their system, completing their transformation. Stefan also admits that he was the one who forced Damon to turn, creating the rift between them.

Meanwhile, in the present, John Gilbert tries to manipulate Damon, revealing his knowledge about vampires and his own hidden agenda. Alaric and Damon uncover John’s plan to use a special device against the town’s vampires. Stefan struggles with his guilt over his past actions, leading him to consider drastic measures.

Elsewhere, Jeremy, still hurt by Anna’s revelation, makes a dangerous decision. The episode ends with tensions rising as secrets unfold, setting up the next big conflict.