RUSH HOUR 4 (2024)

The Rush Hour franchise is a series of American action comedy films created by Ross LaManna and directed by Brett Ratner with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in lead roles. The three films center on a pair of police detectives, Chief Inspector Lee (Chan) and Detective James Carter (Tucker), who continue their series of misadventures involving corrupt criminal figures in Hong Kong and Los Angeles.

The films incorporate elements of martial arts, humor, and the buddy cop subgenre. The films were released theatrically from 1998 to 2007 and achieved commercial success, but critical reception was mixed.

Rush Hour 4 (2024) brings back the iconic duo of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in a much-anticipated reunion filled with action, comedy, and nostalgia. Fans of the franchise will find comfort in the familiar chemistry between Chan’s stoic Inspector Lee and Tucker’s loud, comedic Detective Carter.

The movie picks up years after the last installment, with the two characters reuniting for one final high-stakes mission that takes them across international locations.

The plot revolves around a global crime syndicate threatening world security, forcing Lee and Carter to join forces again despite their years of separation.

The film keeps the classic formula intact—fast-paced martial arts choreography from Jackie Chan, plenty of banter between the leads, and chaotic, often hilarious, scenarios.

However, while the action is top-notch and the humor still lands, some critics have noted that the story feels somewhat recycled, relying heavily on nostalgia rather than breaking new ground. Fans of the series will love the callbacks to previous films, but newcomers may find it less innovative.

Overall, Rush Hour 4 delivers what it promises: a fun, action-packed ride with two beloved stars who haven’t missed a beat. The chemistry between Chan and Tucker is as strong as ever, and the film provides plenty of laughs and thrilling moments, even if it doesn’t entirely reinvent the franchise.

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