Saturn 3 (1980)

Saturn 3 (1980) is a science fiction film directed by Stanley Donen. Set in the near future, the film is centered around a space station called Saturn 3, located on one of Saturn’s moons. The story follows two scientists, Adam (Kirk Douglas) and Alex (Farrah Fawcett), who are conducting research and living in isolation on the space station. Their peaceful existence is disrupted when a third member, a brilliant but disturbed scientist named Benson (Harvey Keitel), arrives with a highly advanced and dangerous robot called Hector.
As Hector begins to malfunction, it becomes increasingly violent and menacing. Benson’s ulterior motives become clear as he becomes obsessed with Alex and tries to take control of the station. The tension mounts as Adam and Alex must find a way to survive against the increasingly hostile robot and uncover Benson’s true intentions.
Saturn 3 is known for its blend of sci-fi, thriller, and horror elements. The film explores themes of isolation, human-machine interaction, and psychological tension.
Despite its intriguing premise and notable cast, the film received mixed reviews but remains a notable entry in the genre for its unique concept and atmosphere.

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