Money Heist (2017)

Money Heist is a Spanish crime drama series created by Álex Pina that quickly became a global phenomenon. The story follows a mysterious mastermind known as “The Professor” (Álvaro Morte), who assembles a group of eight skilled criminals to carry out an ambitious plan: to rob the Royal Mint of Spain and print billions of euros.
Each member of the group adopts a city code name, such as Tokyo (Úrsula Corberó), Berlin (Pedro Alonso), and Nairobi (Alba Flores), and they are carefully trained by The Professor to execute the perfect heist.
However, as the robbery progresses and they take hostages, tensions rise within the group, and conflicts with the police and authorities outside intensify.
The plan becomes a psychological battle, filled with high-stakes twists and personal drama, as the robbers try to hold their ground and stick to The Professor’s meticulously crafted strategy.

With its sharp writing, complex characters, and thrilling suspense, Money Heist explores themes of rebellion, justice, love, and loyalty. The series gained worldwide acclaim for its intense plot twists, emotional depth, and social commentary, making it one of Netflix’s most-watched shows.
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