X-Men: First Class (2011)
X-Men: First Class (2011) is a superhero film that serves as a prequel to the original X-Men trilogy. The story is set during the early 1960s, amidst the backdrop of the Cold War. It follows the origins of the X-Men and the beginning of the rivalry between Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Erik Lensherr, also known as Magneto (Michael Fassbender).
The film opens with a young Erik witnessing the horrors of World War II, where he is separated from his family and subjected to experiments by Nazi scientist Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon), who seeks to harness Erik’s magnetic powers. After the war, Erik is determined to track down Shaw and take revenge for his family’s death.
Meanwhile, Charles Xavier, a mutant with telepathic abilities, is at Cambridge University studying mutation and seeking to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. He discovers Raven Darkholme (Jennifer Lawrence), also known as Mystique, who has been living in hiding. Charles recruits Raven and later assembles a team of mutants, including Hank McCoy (Nicholas Hoult), also known as Beast, to help him find and stop Shaw, who is planning to instigate a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.
As Charles and Erik work together to form the first team of X-Men, their differing ideologies about humans and mutants create tension. Charles advocates for peace and integration, while Erik believes in mutant superiority and the need to fight against human oppression. The climax of the film occurs during a confrontation with Shaw and his forces, leading to a pivotal battle that shapes the future of both mutants and humans.
In the end, Erik embraces his role as Magneto, leading a faction of mutants with a militant approach, while Charles forms the X-Men to protect humanity and promote peace. Their friendship is ultimately fractured, setting the stage for their ongoing conflict in the X-Men series. The film explores themes of identity, prejudice, and the moral complexities of power and loyalty.