Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017) is a live-action adaptation of Disney’s 1991 animated classic, directed by Bill Condon. The film follows Belle (Emma Watson), a bright, independent young woman in a provincial French village who becomes a prisoner in the enchanted castle of a reclusive Beast (Dan Stevens), a prince cursed to live as a monstrous creature until someone loves him despite his appearance.
The plot unfolds as Belle, initially frightened, starts to see beyond the Beast’s exterior.
The castle’s enchanted inhabitants—like the talking teapot Mrs. Potts (Emma Thompson) and the candlestick Lumière (Ewan McGregor)—also play a pivotal role in the unfolding romance. As Belle gets to know the Beast, their connection grows, and she starts to believe in his kindness, while he begins to see her as more than just a prisoner.
Meanwhile, the village’s vain hunter, Gaston (Luke Evans), is determined to win Belle’s affection and destroy the Beast. The film features themes of love, inner beauty, and the breaking of prejudices. As the story reaches its climax, Belle’s love for the Beast breaks the curse, and he is transformed back into a human, leading to a joyous resolution.
The film blends the magic of the animated original with new songs and deeper character development, featuring performances by an all-star cast, including Josh Gad as LeFou, Kevin Kline as Maurice (Belle’s father), and Stanley Tucci as Maestro Cadenza.