From (2022)
From (2022) is a sci-fi horror television series that centers around a small, mysterious town where residents are trapped and unable to escape. The town is plagued by terrifying creatures that emerge at night, seeking to attack and kill the inhabitants. However, the creatures can only be kept at bay by keeping the residents inside their homes after dark.
The story begins when a family, led by a father named Jim (Harold Perrineau), stumbles upon the town after a road trip gone wrong. As they try to figure out whatβs going on, they meet the townβs residents, who are all struggling to survive and make sense of their horrifying circumstances.
The townspeople have learned to adapt to their strange and deadly situation, but fear and tension continue to grow as they search for a way to escape or find answers about the origins of the supernatural forces trapping them.
Throughout the series, the residents deal with internal conflicts, the trauma of living under constant threat, and their attempts to uncover the truth behind the creatures, the townβs curse, and the dark forces controlling their fate. The show explores themes of survival, fear, and the unknown, while weaving together mystery and horror in a suspenseful narrative.