A Feral World (2020)
A Feral World (2020) is a post-apocalyptic drama set in a dystopian future where a young orphan named Will (played by Jackson Rathbone) must navigate a brutal world to survive. After the collapse of civilization, Will is left alone in a harsh and desolate environment, struggling to make sense of his new reality.
The film follows Will’s journey as he encounters other survivors, including a mysterious woman named Elsa (played by Kelly Kula), and the two form an unlikely bond. They must contend with dangerous scavengers, hostile groups, and the psychological toll of living in such a ravaged world. As Will and Elsa attempt to survive, they also search for hope and meaning amidst the chaos.
A Feral World explores themes of survival, human resilience, and the relationship between individuals in a world where society has crumbled, and only the strongest can endure.
The film’s tone is somber and introspective, focusing on the emotional and physical struggles of its characters in an unforgiving landscape.