Venom (2005)
Venom (2005) is a horror film directed by Jim Gillespie that combines elements of supernatural horror with a slasher thriller. The story revolves around a group of friends who find themselves trapped in a remote Louisiana swamp during a deadly hurricane.
As they seek shelter in an abandoned house, they inadvertently unleash a malevolent force tied to a local legend about a voodoo curse.
The plot centers on a young woman named Eve, who is haunted by her past and must confront the horrors that arise when a spirit of vengeance, possessing the body of a resurrected killer, begins to hunt them down one by one.
The group must fight for their survival while unraveling the mystery behind the curse and the dark history of the swamp.
Venom blends traditional horror elements with a Southern gothic atmosphere, featuring tense moments and gruesome sequences.
Though it received mixed reviews, the film has gained a following for its unique take on horror tropes and its portrayal of supernatural folklore in a modern context.