Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008) is a science fiction television series that serves as a continuation of the Terminator film franchise, focusing on the characters Sarah Connor and her son, John Connor. Created by Josh Friedman, the series takes place after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and follows the ongoing battle between humanity and the machines, particularly Skynet.
In the show, Sarah Connor (played by Lena Headey) and her teenage son, John Connor (played by Thomas Dekker), are on the run from government forces and new Terminators sent from the future to kill John, the future leader of the human resistance. They are joined by Cameron (played by Summer Glau), a reprogrammed Terminator sent back in time to protect John.
Together, they navigate a dangerous and uncertain world as they try to stop the rise of Skynet and prevent the apocalypse.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles explores the complex relationship between Sarah and John, as Sarah struggles to protect her son and prepare him for his future role, while John grapples with his destiny as the leader of the resistance. The series introduces new Terminators, characters, and plotlines, deepening the mythology of the Terminator universe.
Known for its action-packed sequences, intricate time-travel plotlines, and strong performances—especially from Lena Headey and Summer Glau—the series was praised for its character development and its expansion of the Terminator lore. Although it only ran for two seasons, the show gained a dedicated fan base and remains a significant entry in the Terminator franchise, blending intense action with thought-provoking themes about free will, survival, and humanity’s future.