Insidious: The Last Key (2018)
“Insidious: The Last Key” (2018) is a supernatural horror film directed by Adam Robitel and the fourth installment in the Insidious franchise. The movie serves as both a sequel and a prequel, continuing the terrifying journey of parapsychologist Elise Rainier (played by Lin Shaye) while diving deeper into her haunted past.
The story begins with Elise being called back to her childhood home in New Mexico to investigate a haunting. The twist is that this is the very house where she grew up and where she first encountered the dark entities that have tormented her throughout her life.
As Elise and her team, including Specs (Leigh Whannell) and Tucker (Angus Sampson), explore the house, they uncover horrifying secrets about her family and confront a malevolent demon with keys for fingers, known as Keyface.
Insidious: The Last Key explores the origins of Elise’s psychic abilities and delves into the trauma she endured as a child. The film delivers the franchise’s signature jump scares and eerie atmosphere while adding emotional depth by focusing on Elise’s backstory.
Lin Shaye’s performance was widely praised, and the movie appeals to fans looking for both horror and character-driven storytelling.