Extraction (2020)
Extraction (2020) is an action-packed thriller directed by Sam Hargrave and produced by the Russo brothers. The film stars Chris Hemsworth as Tyler Rake, a fearless black-market mercenary who is hired to rescue Ovi, the kidnapped son of an international crime lord in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Rake, haunted by his own tragic past, embarks on a dangerous mission through the city’s criminal underworld, where he must fight against heavily armed gangs, corrupt officials, and other mercenaries to protect the boy.
The film is known for its intense action sequences, including a highly praised 12-minute continuous shot, showcasing Hargrave’s expertise in stunt coordination. “Extraction” blends brutal hand-to-hand combat, thrilling shootouts, and emotional character moments as Rake confronts his own demons while forming a bond with Ovi.
The film was released on Netflix and became one of the platform’s most-watched original movies, praised for its high-octane action, gritty tone, and Hemsworth’s strong performance.