Landman (2024)
In a remote rural town, Ethan Grayson, a skilled yet struggling land surveyor, becomes embroiled in a high-stakes conspiracy when he uncovers a hidden natural resource beneath a disputed plot of farmland. Tasked with mediating a heated land ownership battle between a powerful corporation and a group of local farmers, Ethan soon realizes that his findings could forever change the town’s futureβbut at a grave cost.
As tensions rise and alliances shift, Ethan is faced with a moral dilemma: protect the land and its people or side with the corporation offering a lucrative deal to cover his mounting debts. With secrets buried deeper than the soil and powerful forces working against him, Ethan must navigate deception, greed, and loyalty to determine where he stands and what he is willing to risk to do what’s right.
Themes: The film explores themes of environmental ethics, corporate greed, and the power of community, showcasing the human impact of decisions tied to land ownership and sustainability.