Van Helsing (2004)
Van Helsing (2004) is an action-packed fantasy film directed by Stephen Sommers, starring Hugh Jackman as Gabriel Van Helsing, a legendary monster hunter. Set in the late 19th century, Van Helsing is dispatched by the Vatican to Transylvania to eliminate Count Dracula (played by Richard Roxburgh), who is attempting to use Dr. Frankenstein’s monster to create a race of vampires.
Van Helsing teams up with Anna Valerious (Kate Beckinsale), a descendant of a family cursed by Dracula, and together they battle a variety of supernatural creatures, including werewolves, vampires, and Frankenstein’s creature.
Throughout the film, Van Helsing uncovers the connection between Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster, as well as the dark secrets surrounding Dracula’s origin. As the fight intensifies, Van Helsing must confront his own mysterious past and ultimately defeat Dracula to prevent the vampire lord from unleashing a catastrophic reign of terror.
With its blend of horror, action, and visual effects, Van Helsing delivers a thrilling ride through a world filled with gothic monsters and epic battles.