Power Rangers (2017)

Power Rangers (2017) is a superhero action film directed by Dean Israelite, based on the iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise. The movie serves as a reboot, retelling the origin story of a group of five teenagers who discover that they have been chosen to become the new Power Rangers, defenders of Earth.

The plot follows Jason (Dacre Montgomery), Kimberly (Naomi Scott), Billy (RJ Cyler), Zack (Ludi Lin), and Trini (Becky G.), a group of misfit high school students from the town of Angel Grove. After stumbling upon mysterious ancient coins, they gain extraordinary powers and are tasked with protecting the world from the evil sorceress Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), a former Power Ranger turned villain.

With the guidance of Zordon (Bryan Cranston), the team must learn to harness their abilities, work together, and stop Rita from destroying the planet with her monstrous creation, Goldar.

Power Rangers blends elements of superhero action, sci-fi, and coming-of-age drama as the five teens struggle to embrace their new identities while dealing with personal issues.

The film features high-octane action sequences, special effects, and a nostalgic nod to the original series. Despite its mixed reviews, the movie received praise for its modern take on the Power Rangers and its focus on character development, offering both fans of the franchise and new audiences an exciting and emotional superhero experience.