
Freelance (2024) is an action-comedy film directed by Pierre Morel and starring Jake McDorman, Jessica Allain, and Jason Momoa.

The story follows a former special forces soldier, Teddy, played by McDorman, who takes a job as a security contractor in a war-torn country. When a rescue mission goes awry, he ends up having to protect a journalist, played by Allain, who has been caught in the crossfire.

As they navigate dangerous terrain and face relentless adversaries, Teddy and the journalist form an unexpected partnership. With Jason Momoa playing a charismatic yet unpredictable antagonist, the film promises a mix of humor, action, and thrilling adventure. The dynamics between the characters add depth, showing their growth as they work together to survive.

With a blend of intense action sequences and comedic moments, Freelance aims to deliver an entertaining cinematic experience, highlighting themes of courage, friendship, and resilience in the face of adversity. The film combines elements of traditional action with a fresh, humorous twist, making it an exciting watch for fans of the genre.