Knightfall (2019)
Knightfall (2019) is a historical drama television series set during the late Middle Ages, focusing on the Knights Templar, a powerful military order in the Crusades. The series explores the rise and fall of the Templars, their involvement in religious wars, and the complex political dynamics of the time.
The story centers around Landry du Lauzon (Tom Cullen), a skilled and loyal Templar knight who is caught up in a web of betrayal and intrigue. After the Templars suffer a devastating loss during the Crusades, Landry is tasked with protecting the order and defending its secrets. He grapples with his loyalty to the Templar cause, the temptation of power, and his personal relationships, particularly with Queen Joan (Olivia Ross) and the enigmatic goddess-worshipping group known as the Priory of Sion.
As tensions escalate between the Templars, the Church, and the French monarchy, Landry faces the political machinations of King Philip IV (Ed Stoppard), who seeks to destroy the Templars to seize their wealth. The series delves into the conflicts, religious struggles, and betrayals that ultimately lead to the downfall of the Templar order in the early 14th century.
With action, drama, and political intrigue, Knightfall offers a gritty portrayal of one of history’s most mysterious and powerful organizations, blending historical events with fictionalized elements for a thrilling narrative.